Christmas Giveaway Authors: E Journey and Lawna Mackie

by | Dec 7, 2012 | christmas competition, christmas giveaway, dangerous interlude, e journey, margaret of the north, vanessa johnston | 4 comments

We’re a week into my Christmas giveaway and it’s time to meet two more authors that have kindly donated a copy of their books to the grand prize. E Journey and and Lawna Mackie join me today and share with us a bit about the books that you could win. Enter to win on my Facebook page and get an extra entry by visiting E Journey’s Facebook page and giving it a like as well as liking the competition post!

Margaret of the North takes off from a retelling of Gaskell’s novel on the BBC series. Margaret is a young Victorian woman contending with the press of modernity and industrialization and struggling with the age-old complexities of human relationships. After marrying John Thornton, she faces challenges and influences those around her in her passage into maturity and modern womanhood. 

This novel returns the focus on Margaret and how she–intelligent, independent-minded, passionate about her own concerns–curbs a niche and an identity for herself within the constraints of Victorian society. It is an homage to Ms. Gaskell, a return to themes that underscore her concerns about being a woman of her time and that had been her original intent before Charles Dickens urged her to change her title from “Margaret Hale” to “North and South.”

The story includes a few illustrations by the author and unabashedly serves up a romance–both Victorian and modern–that just might hit that spot for guilty pleasures.

E Journey is a flaneuse writing about and illustrating what she sees and loves. She has always been fascinated with words and seduced by the beautiful prose of writers like Evelyn Waugh (e.g., Brideshead Revisited), Robert Hughes (particularly Shock of the New), and even BF Skinner, the foremost behaviorist whose seminal textbook Science and Human Behavior reads more like a long engaging essay. 

In a past life, EJ, who has a dormant Ph.D. in the field of psychology from the University of Illinois, did mental health program research, evaluation and development. Now, she does art in various media from oils to digital paintings and writes when she feels she has something to say. Some of her musings reside in cyberspace at and cover four topics: Travel, Tasty Morsels, Art and Such, and State of Being. Her first novel is illustrated with several digital “paintings” she did on an iPad.

Margaret of The North is available to purchase on Amazon.

You can find out more about E Journey on her Facebook page or on her blog.

As far as twelve-year old Quinn is concerned Christmas has lost its magic. Since his father’s death life has lost its sparkle. His mom is now a widow struggling to put food on the table. Quinn is no help, and the mysterious illness afflicting him only makes things worse. Even Christmas, complete with decorated trees, ribbons and bows has no meaning…then along comes Jazira.
Jazira doesn’t know what happened to her former self, the eleven-year old little girl. She drowned, didn’t she, along with half the other folk of Bandit Creek in 1911? Somehow, she’s grown four furry legs complimented with a large wolf head and body. Scared and alone, she reaches out to Quinn and a strong bond is formed. Jazira learns Quinn, and his mother, are threatened by a wealthy powerful citizen of Bandit Creek. She is determined to protect her new family, no matter what.
Christmas Eve finds Quinn staring up at the adorned tree and muttering a quiet prayer. Will the Spirits of Christmas grant his wish, or will the evil surrounding Bandit Creek prevail once again?


I have always believed in fairy tales and when I got tired of the old ones I made up my own. Each story would have a hero and heroine, but they were anything but typical.

I devoured my first romance novel when I was a teenager and soon discovered I couldn’t read them fast enough. Years later I stumbled across my first paranormal romance…an injustice would be done if I tried to explain my joy when I found this genre of romance. Now writing any type of love story is my passion, whether it’s paranormal, fantasy, historical or contemporary–for me it’s all about LOVE and a happy-ever-after.

I am truly blessed. My husband is my hero in every story. My family and my precious animals are my inspiration. We live on a small acreage in Didsbury, Alberta, with Dozer, Daisy, Mandarin and Peppers.

Happy reading everyone, I would love to hear from you.

Quinn’s Christmas Wish is available on Amazon.

Lawna’s website: www.lawnamackie.caFacebook page:

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  1. Lawna Mackie

    Thanks for having me on your site Samantha! What an exciting contest you have put together for everyone!

  2. Lawna Mackie

    Thanks for having me on your site Samantha! What an exciting contest you have put together for everyone!

  3. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for your generosity, Lawna! Quinn's Christmas Wish is a lovely read and the winner will be very lucky indeed!

  4. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for your generosity, Lawna! Quinn's Christmas Wish is a lovely read and the winner will be very lucky indeed!

Hey there, I´m Samantha

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.