Book Tour Stop: Lovers Unchained by Siren Allen

by | Aug 15, 2013 | Blog | 2 comments

Please welcome Siren to my blog today as we talk writing and her new release! Be sure to enter the rafflecopter to win some great prizes. Siren is giving away the following prizes:
EBook of Lovers Unchained  Siren Allen  
EBook of The Makeover  Monica Garry Allen
EBook of The Savannah Rossi Chronicles Deliza Rafferty
EBook of Envisioned  Nikki Sebben Narvaez
EBook of Good Enough To Share  Zara Stoneley
Ebook The Cougar Diaries Part One Aoife Brennan 
Jewelry from Loyal’tee Forever Boutique  
Watch Me Walk Away, ebook by Jill Prandstatter 

What is your name and where do you live now?
My name is Monica Garry-Allen but my pen name is Siren Allen and I live in Southern Mississippi.

First off, how has your week been?
My week has been very busy. I have five other releases coming out this year so I have edits and more edits to complete. But I can’t complain because I love what I do.

Wow and I thought I was busy! How does your family feel about the book?
My family loves the book, I have four sisters and they all loved to read. I love receiving their feedback and thoughts on my stories. My husband, lol, has not read the book yet but he does often wonder where I get some of my dark ideas from.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your book?
I would make it longer. As I work on book two in the series I find myself wishing I would have added some other scenes to book one, but the reader will get to see those scenes in book two where the plot thickens and things become more dangerous for my characters.

I know that feeling. I’m writing one of those at the moment. When you started your book, did you plan on writing it as a series, or did it just grow into one?
I planned to write it as a serious. Book one is about one of the five best friends who were cursed. You get to meet a couple of the other cursed demons in book two.

What genre would you place your books into?
Do you have a certain routine you have for writing? ie You listen to music, sit in a certain chair?
I have to have complete silence when I write. Which means my husband is usually in a different room than I am and he knows not to disturb me while I am writing.

Husbands can be very distracting 🙂 Can you describe the feeling you had when you saw your published book for the first time?
I cried, lol, yeah I know I am a big baby. I was so excited and on the day my first book was released. My husband purchased me a cake with congratulations author written on it. I loved it.

If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?
I am actually living the dream, lol. I work as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist full time and I write part-time. These are the two things I have always wanted to do. It’s hard work but it’s very rewarding.

What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? What format is it?(ebook, hardback or paperback)
I am currently reading The Host, by Stephanie Meyers. I love the book, its paper back.

Do you think ebooks will ever totally replace printed books?

Never, I have five book-shelves full of books. There is nothing like relaxing in the tub after a hard day’s work with a good book.

Thanks so much for joining me today, Siren. Best of luck with your book, it sounds like a must-read!

A Cursed Demon
Twenty years ago Jude made a huge mistake resulting in him and four of his best friends being cursed by the Dark Witch. For twenty years he has searched for his mate-the only being able to break the curse placed upon him. Until he finds her he will not be able to release the pent up sexual energy that is driving him insane. On his journey to find his mate he is captured and held prisoner by Lana, a vicious vampiress.

A Sex Crazed Vampiress
Lana is intrigued by Jude’s ability to resist making love to her. She doesn’t know of the curse placed upon him years ago. No matter how hard she tries to seduce him she always fails. His life means nothing to her and she is ready to end his existence, but first she must know what prevents him from succumbing to her seduction. She wonders if it’s her or if Jude is like this with all women. To test her theory Lana places one of her female prisoners, Carissa, and Jude together. To her dismay, sparks ignite between the two captives.

A Witch on a Mission
Carissa is searching for her friend who is rumored to have been captured my Lana and her men. She doesn’t plan on finding love but she can’t resist the attraction she feels for her fellow captive, Jude. She senses the desire raging through him and yearns to ease the tension coursing through his muscled body. However, their lust for one another angers Lana and can only lead to one thing…death for both her and Jude.

Now that Jude has found his mate he must get them both to safety before Lana destroys them.

Will Jude lose his mate so soon after finding her or will they escape Lana’s wrath and form a bond so strong nothing and no one can break it?

Buy link: Coming soon!

Hi, my name is Siren Allen. I’m a writer and lover of all things erotic and romantic. I reside in southern Mississippi where I write steamy romances that are guaranteed to make you blush. When I’m not listening to the characters in my head and jotting down their adventures, I am busy working as a Clinical Laboratory Technician. 

I love to travel, preferably with my husband, so he can do all of the driving. I enjoy time with my family, who are just as silly as I am. I have no children…yet, wish me luck! My hobbies are reading, writing and shopping, though I hate trying on clothing. If I wasn’t a writer or a Laboratory Professional, I would probably be a Secret Agent. But that’s the beauty of being a writer; you can create your own world and be whoever you want to be. In my imaginary world, I am Queen and my siblings are my minions. 

Find Siren on her website, Facebook and Twitter. 

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  1. Tonya Gauthier-Kellum

    Thank you so much for participating this looks beautiful on your blog.

  2. Tonya Gauthier-Kellum

    Thank you so much for participating this looks beautiful on your blog.

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