Book Tour Stop: Accidental Affair by Leslie McKelvey

by | Feb 21, 2013 | accidental affair, book tour stop, excerpt, leslie mckelvey | 38 comments

Welcome to Leslie, who is stopping by today and sharing an excerpt from her new release, Accidental Affair. Be sure to comment as Black Velvet Seductions is giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate!

Jack Vaughn is sure his life is over as he tumbles down the wooded hillside onto the deserted two-lane stretch of asphalt. Years of work ended with a single gunshot. Yet, it’s not over. 

A good Samaritan stops to help him, despite the danger he poses to her. 

Laine Wheeler knows better than to stop for strangers on the rural Montana highway near her home, but her conscience won’t allow her to leave an injured man behind. 

What she doesn’t know is the man is an undercover ATF agent tasked with infiltrating a domestic terrorist group. His cover has been blown and helping him will put her life in danger.

Though there is an instant attraction Jack knows that beginning a romantic relationship with Laine would be both unfair and unwise, yet the farther they run the harder it gets to ignore the feelings that are surging between them.


~ Excerpt ~

“All my life people have told me I’m a lucky SOB,” he said. “I guess they’re right.”

“About the lucky or the SOB?” she asked. A small smile lifted the corners of his generous mouth, and Laine found her gaze drawn there, almost against her will.

“Both,” he replied with a ghost of a chuckle.

She blinked when his finger traced from her cheekbone to her jaw.

“Every time I get in a situation where I should be a goner,” he began, “I somehow manage to get out of it. It may be by the skin of my teeth, but somehow I manage.”

Laine gulped. His touch was feather light, like an errant spider web brushing her face. “That’s a good quality to have in your line of work, I’d imagine,” she said, her voice hardly more than a breathy whisper. She cleared her throat. “You’ll live longer with a skill set like that.”

“This is one scrape I wouldn’t have gotten out of without you.” He pushed her braid back over her shoulder.

When he rose, Laine felt very small standing next to him. It wasn’t that he was so much taller than she was, it was just him. She had no doubt when he entered a room people turned to look. His presence, his aura, was tangible, as tangible as his physicality. She stared at the cleft in his chin, unable to move her eyes any higher.

Jack put a finger under her chin and tipped her face up. He looked down at her, and there was such warmth in his silver gaze she couldn’t help but smile.

“Your husband was a very lucky man,” he whispered as he lowered his head. “And so am I.”
Leslie McKelvey has been writing since she learned to write.  Her mother still stores boxes of handwritten stories in the attic.  Leslie read her first romance at 12 and was hooked.  When her high school Creative Writing teacher told her she needed to be a novelist, she decided to give it a try.  Finally, at the ripe old age of…forty-something…her debut novel, Accidental Affair finally made it into print through Black Velvet Seductions Publishing.  The publisher has also contracted two more manuscripts, which will follow Accidental Affair shortly.  The next story slated for release is Bear’s, so for all of you who fell in love with Jack Vaughn’s best friend, get ready.  The 6’8” FBI agent saves wildlife photographer Beth Drummond’s life and loses his heart to her in the process, a journey that tests the boundaries of loyalty, friendship, and love.

Leslie is a war-veteran who served with the U.S. Navy during the Gulf War, and she was among the first groups of women to work the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.  During her five years of service she was stationed at NAS Miramar (yes, Miramar used to belong to the NAVY) and was an F-14 Tomcat mechanic.  While in San Diego she spent time on the carriers USS Independence, USS Ranger, USS Lincoln, and the USS Nimitz.  The final two years of her enlistment were spent on Guam and her squadron frequently deployed to Japan and the Middle East.

She learned everything she knows about firearms and tactics from her police officer husband, who is a weapons expert and firearms instructor for one of the most highly-respected law-enforcement agencies in the world (and one he wishes her NOT to disclose).  He is her biggest supporter and her unpaid consultant on everything law-enforcement and weapons related.  She has three boys, the oldest of whom will soon be wearing the uniform of a United States Marine (SEMPER FI!).  She spends her off-time (kidding…WHAT off-time?) reading, taking pictures, and sending lead down range (that’s shooting, for those who are unfamiliar).  One of her favorite scents is the smell of gunpowder in the morning….

You can purchase Accidental Affair on Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes and Noble. Find out more about Leslie on her blog.

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  1. MomJane

    This sounds like a fun romantic mystery.

  2. Lawrence Kavanagh

    This is a great excerpt, Leslie! Sensitively described . . . much more sensuous than all that "in your face" full frontal trash! I'd like to read more . . .

    Lawrie Kavanagh 🙂

  3. Lawrence Kavanagh

    This is a great excerpt, Leslie! Sensitively described . . . much more sensuous than all that "in your face" full frontal trash! I'd like to read more . . .

    Lawrie Kavanagh 🙂

  4. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by Leslie!

  5. Ingeborg

    I'm loving the excerpts. I can't wait to read Jack and Laine's story.

  6. Ingeborg

    I'm loving the excerpts. I can't wait to read Jack and Laine's story.

  7. Ami

    Fabulous excerpt! It sounds like such a great love story!


  8. Ami

    Fabulous excerpt! It sounds like such a great love story!


  9. Gala

    Did you have to do a lot of research for this book?

    galaschick78 at gmail dot com

  10. Gala

    Did you have to do a lot of research for this book?

    galaschick78 at gmail dot com

  11. Leslie McKelvey

    I like to think so, MomJane, but I'm biased. 🙂 Thanks for following the tour so closely, and good luck in the drawing!

  12. Lelani Black

    Looks and sounds intriguing, and the cover captures both the suspense and romance!

  13. Leslie McKelvey

    Why, thank you, Lawrie! I'm not much for the "in our face" stuff either. If you're interested, you can read two full chapters on when you click "Look Inside." Best of luck, and thanks again for the kind words!

  14. Shannon R

    Thank you for another great excerpt!

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  15. Shannon R

    Thank you for another great excerpt!

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  16. Leslie McKelvey

    You are welcome, Shannon! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Leslie McKelvey

    You are welcome, Shannon! Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks, Ami! I like to think it's a great love story, but my viewpoint my not be entirely neutral. 🙂 So glad you enjoyed it!

  19. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks, Ami! I like to think it's a great love story, but my viewpoint my not be entirely neutral. 🙂 So glad you enjoyed it!

  20. Leslie McKelvey

    More than I thought I would, actually. I researched all the states Laine and Jack travel through, and the weapons/military/police tactics came courtesy of interrogating my hubby who is a cop/weapons instructor/firearms expert. Helps to have friends in the right places I guess!

  21. Leslie McKelvey

    More than I thought I would, actually. I researched all the states Laine and Jack travel through, and the weapons/military/police tactics came courtesy of interrogating my hubby who is a cop/weapons instructor/firearms expert. Helps to have friends in the right places I guess!

  22. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks, Lelani! I like the cover, and it was surprisingly easy to get it together. I found the images I wanted first try, and the publisher's cover artist did the rest. Thanks again, and good luck!

  23. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks, Lelani! I like the cover, and it was surprisingly easy to get it together. I found the images I wanted first try, and the publisher's cover artist did the rest. Thanks again, and good luck!

  24. Leslie McKelvey

    Thank you, Shannon, for reading! Good luck!

  25. Leslie McKelvey

    Thank you, Shannon, for reading! Good luck!

  26. Mary Preston

    I wouldn't stop to pick up a stranger, but then I'm not a heroine in a story.


  27. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks again for hosting me! It was fun!

  28. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks again for hosting me! It was fun!

  29. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks, Ingeborg! Good luck to you!

  30. Leslie McKelvey

    Thanks, Ingeborg! Good luck to you!

  31. Catherine Lee

    You talk about research in the comments here…As a librarian, I like to read about authors' research processes. I find it fascinating.

  32. Catherine Lee

    You talk about research in the comments here…As a librarian, I like to read about authors' research processes. I find it fascinating.

  33. Andra Lyn

    I really enjoyed reading this post and the comments! This tour has been fun! andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  34. Andra Lyn

    I really enjoyed reading this post and the comments! This tour has been fun! andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

Hey there, I´m Samantha

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.