Book Tour Guest Post: Hell or High Water by Jerrie Alexander

by | Apr 11, 2013 | Blog

Please welcome Jerrie who is sharing her latest release, Hell or High Water (Book 1 of the Lost and Found, Inc series) with us and telling us about why she writes such dramatic books. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway too!
Prize is 1 eBook copy of “Green-Eyed Doll” PLUS “Green-Eyed Doll” and “Hell or High Water” bookmarks. Contest is tour-wide, open internationally and ends Apr 16. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.


Samantha, thank you for having me as your guest today. I’m excited to introduce my soon to be released romantic suspense, HELL or HIGH WATER, book one of The Lost and Found, Inc. series.

Let me see if I can give you some insight as to why I love to write romantic suspense, where the danger is life threatening and the sex is hot.

I always start a book with the old ‘what if’ and ‘why’ questions. Especially with suspense, research is important. Believable characters make or break a story, so for me, the why question is equally important.

I love the research involved in accurately telling a story. HELL or HIGH WATER got its start after I read an article about the growth of human trafficking rings during a big event like the Super Bowl. The story revolves around a Child Services investigator who discovers teenage girls are being kidnapped and sold. She digs deep enough to become a target. An old boyfriend from college, one who broke her heart, learns she’s in danger and steps up to help. It’s a romance about trust and forgiveness.

I’ve been told I’m at my best when I’m in the killer’s point of view. If that’s true, I believe it’s because I’ve researched properly. It’s certainly when I have the most fun! To construct a believable character, I metaphorically put on his or her hat and walk in their shoes. Creeps me out sometimes and has given me a nightmare or two, but realism and motivation are important to the story…to the reader…to me.

Maybe it was naive to write to the FBI with a list of questions. Imagine my surprise the day my phone rang, and the caller identified himself as a Special Agent. He answered all my questions, gave me his cell number and of all things…he thanked me. Assured me, the FBI appreciates being written about, and they love it when the author tells the real story of the Agency.

I used his information in HELL or HIGH WATER.  

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Coming soon…

When ex-SEAL Nate Wolfe learns a woman from his past is in danger, nothing will stop him from protecting her. Not even her.

Dallas Child Protection Services Investigator Kay Taylor doesn’t want or need Nate in her life. But he doesn’t seem to understand the word no. He seems to also have forgotten the brand he left on her heart.

When Kay is taken and sold to a monster, the devil himself couldn’t stop Nate from doing whatever it takes to find her…but will he be in time?

Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains adult sexual situations and/or adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers.

About the Author
A student of  creative writing in her youth, Jerrie set aside her passion when life presented her with a John Wayne husband, and two wonderful children.  A career in logistics offered her the opportunity to travel to many beautiful locations in America, and she revisits them in her romantic suspense novels.  

But the characters went with her, talked to her, and insisted she share their dark, sexy stories with others.  She writes alpha males and kick-ass women who weave their way through death and fear to emerge stronger because of, and on occasion in spite of, their love for each other.  She likes to torture people, make them suffer, and if they’re strong enough, they live happily ever after.

The author of THE GREEN-EYED DOLL, THE LAST EXECUTION, and her latest release, HELL or HIGH WATER, Book 1 in the Lost and Found, Inc. Series, Jerrie lives in Texas, loves sunshine, children’s laughter, sugar (human and granulated), and researching for her heroes and heroines.

Connect with Jerrie Alexander

A chill slammed into her. Again, somebody’s eyes on her sent a shiver up her arms. She whirled.

A black Harley was parked down the block. She paused at the rear of the car and stared at the rider. Odd that he’d parked away from the funeral crowd and sat there watching. Damn, the black visor didn’t stop the burn as his gaze bore down on her. Her breath caught. Was this the man who’d saved her? Wearing a black leather jacket and matching helmet, the man sat motionless.

She started toward him, and the rider stepped off the bike. If this was her ninja, she’d demand answers after she thanked him. He turned his back to her and then removed the helmet. His fingers wound through shoulder-length black hair, tying the strands together with a piece of leather. There was something vaguely familiar about him. His movements. His shoulders. His hands.

He turned to face her, and her heart rate raced toward the ozone.

“Hello, Kaycie.”

Ten years of missing Nate Wolfe boiled over. He was here. Really here. She sprang into his arms, clutched his broad shoulders and leaned into his hard-as-a-rock chest. God, his scent, a mixture of leather, woodsy cologne and virile man washed over her. Damn. Her body betrayed her by melting into him.

“Nate,” she whispered into his neck. “You saved me.” Her flesh heated when his large hands flexed against the small of her back and drew her closer.

“Come hell or high water,” he whispered, his warm breath sending heat streaks across her skin.

A split-second passed before memories of his lying tongue using that same phrase so many years ago hit her. A volcano of heartbreak erupted and spewed forth.  

“Don’t touch me,” she spit the words at him while scrambling out of reach. “And don’t you dare say that to me. Ever.”

“You hugged me.” His eyes went wide and he held his hands up in surrender.

Damn him and his Cheshire cat grin. Kay plowed her right fist into his jaw. God, pain shot up her arm. His head barely moved. Still, she relished the snap of his teeth. Obviously, she didn’t hit him hard enough. He rubbed his scruffy jaw while that sexy little smile inched right back up his cheeks.

“Why are you following me?” Her knuckles hurt like hell, but he’d never know.

“What?” He held his hands in front of him, palms up. “No good to see you, Nate? No how you been? No nothing.”

“I’ll try this again, slower. Why. Are. You. Fol—”

“We need to talk.” The fun left his gaze. The sparkle dimmed to seriousness.

She stepped further away and sent him a glare designed to blister his flesh from head to toe. Unaffected, he picked up the cell phone earpiece she’d knocked off and reattached it to his ear while never taking his navy blue eyes off her.

“No, we don’t. Thank you for saving my life. Now do what you do best. Go away.” She spun on her heel. Rubbing her now swelling hand, Kay stalked straight to her waiting friend.

“You okay?” Holly asked over the top of the car before she slid behind the wheel.

“If I didn’t break my fist on his cement jaw, I will be.” Kay stabbed her seatbelt a second time before fastening it properly. She cursed the tears welling. Cursed the feel his warm body imprinted on her breasts. Cursed the memories that sent her heart spinning.

Holly dropped her .380 in her purse.

“Did you take that in church this morning?”

“Yep. God knows I carry. And the law gave me a permit. Glad I had it, because I didn’t know what the hell was going down when you hit him. Who was the hunk?”

“Nate Wolfe.”

“Holy shit. The guy from college?”

“The same. He’s been watching me. I’m sure of it.”

“I should’ve shot him.” Holly punched the gas pedal, ignoring the speed bumps.

“Thanks for having my back. And for getting the concealed carry license.”

“I’m never without protection. Or a gun.” Holly chuckled at her own joke. “Where to?”


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Hey there, I´m Samantha

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.