Author Interview: Jennifer Wenn

Please welcome Jennifer who is joining me in the hotseat this week! What is your full name and where do you live now?My name is Jennifer Wenn and I live in Sweden with my husband and our four children.First off, how has your week been?Wonderful but quite hectic and...

Book Tour Stop and Guest Post: No Gentleman is He

Please welcome Lynette and Carley as they share their new relesase with us. Carley is telling us about her journey to publication! Do be sure to comment as there will be two winners drawn at the end of the tour. Winner 1 will receive a lovely pair of colonial era...

Book Tour Stop: Halo Legacy Series by Genie Gabriel

Please welcome Genie Gabriel on her book tour for the Halo Legacy series. ALL 9 books in the series are 99c while the tour is on!! Be sure to comment as Genie will be awarding will be awarding nine $9 Amazon GCs — eight will be awarded to randomly drawn...

Book Tour Stop: Halo Legacy Series by Genie Gabriel

Please welcome Genie Gabriel on her book tour for the Halo Legacy series. ALL 9 books in the series are 99c while the tour is on!! Be sure to comment as Genie will be awarding will be awarding nine $9 Amazon GCs — eight will be awarded to randomly drawn...