10 Ways to Seduce Samantha Holt

I saw a Facebook post on this entitled 10 Ways to Seduce a Writer and, honestly, I didn’t agree with most of it. As if writers have time to eat or even converse over a meal! I jest of course but seriously us writers are a pretty hermit-like, preoccupied...

Book Tour Stop: Hunting Laura by J.A. Bailey

Please welcome J.A. to my blog today as she shares a hot excerpt. Be sure to enter the rafflecopter below as she’s giving away a $10 Amazon GC!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Blurb~~~~~~~~~~~~LauraLaura has just signed up for a term at the exclusive school for submissives. But...

Book Tour Stop: Hunting Laura by J.A. Bailey

Please welcome J.A. to my blog today as she shares a hot excerpt. Be sure to enter the rafflecopter below as she’s giving away a $10 Amazon GC!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Blurb~~~~~~~~~~~~LauraLaura has just signed up for a term at the exclusive school for submissives. But...