Love Lust and Lipstick Stains Giveaway

Love Lust and Lipstick Stains is pleased to announce the start of our 2000 likes giveaway. We started our Facebook page only six months ago and we’re thrilled with how it’s been received. It quickly grew into a great place to share and promote romance and...

Cover Reveal: Tainted by Christina Phillips

Please welcome Christina to my blog today as she reveals her cover for her latest release, Tainted. Be sure to enter the rafflcopter below to win an e-copy of the previous book set in this world, Betrayed, a $10 Amazon Gift Card and swag – Bookmarks, Postcards and...

10 Ways to Seduce Samantha Holt

I saw a Facebook post on this entitled 10 Ways to Seduce a Writer and, honestly, I didn’t agree with most of it. As if writers have time to eat or even converse over a meal! I jest of course but seriously us writers are a pretty hermit-like, preoccupied...