Jumping on the bandwagon… where are my books?

Ok so I’m making the assumption most of you have seen the angry reaction of many readers and writers and others to the decision by Kobo to remove ALL self-published books from their website due to sensationalised stories that accused WH Smith and Amazon of...

Tag! You’re IT Blog Hop

Thanks so very much to Lelani Black for tagging me to take part in her Tag You’re IT blog hop. I get to share a few tid-bits about my current work in progress, and tag three other authors and invite them to answer the same questions for their Monday blogs.They then...

Tag! You’re IT Blog Hop

Thanks so very much to Lelani Black for tagging me to take part in her Tag You’re IT blog hop. I get to share a few tid-bits about my current work in progress, and tag three other authors and invite them to answer the same questions for their Monday blogs.They then...