Black Friday Blog Hop: Christmas Shopping the British Way

by | Nov 23, 2012 | Blog | 174 comments

So today is Black Friday and I am taking part in the Black Friday blog hop. We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $75 Amazon or B&N Gift Card

3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!

And I’m also giving away a copy of The Angel’s Assassin. To be in with a chance of winning, just comment below!
While we’re aware of the phenomenon of Black Friday in England, obviously we do not have it here because we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.

For us Brits, we fall into two categories when it comes to Christmas shopping. Those who do it in the January sales and those who do it in the week before Christmas or, if possible, on Christmas Eve. You think I’m kidding…

If you are ever unlucky enough to be in Britain during that week then here are a few rules you should bear in mind:

  • British people queue. We love to queue and take great pride in maintaining our calm disposition while queueing. 
  • Acceptable topics of conversation during a queue are the weather and how long the queue is. 
  • Never express your aggravation at how long a queue is and always join the back of the queue. Don’t edge forwards! People will take this as a sign of aggression.
  • We love a bargain. It doesn’t matter if its good quality or if we needed it or not, if its a bargain, we want it. Avoid discount stores and any shops with the sign ‘sale’ in it. 
  • If you are shopping with a Brit then make sure you allow enough time to stop for a tea break. ‘Nuff said.
  • Avoid market days. These are not the twee country markets that people envision. They are a bustling pit of bargain hunters desperate to get their hands on the toys that will break straight away and the food that only has two days left on its sell by date.
  • Do not underestimate the elderly. They will fight you for the last bit of broccoli. I know this from experience. 
  • And finally, endure all of this with a stiff upper lip!
I hope you enjoyed my little peek into the world of shopping with the British. I do love our stoic ways dearly. Are there any traits I missed? What’s Christmas shopping like where you live? Comment below to win a copy of The Angel’s Assassin and to be in with a chance of winning those amazing grand prizes!

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  1. Suzi

    We don't have Black Friday in Australia either but we do have a manic day of sales on Boxing Day.
    Thanks for being part of the blog hop,
    Suzi Love

  2. Nikki

    lol…all your books sound amazing..and as for black friday shopping for me? Online only for me!! They are freaking crazzzzzzyyy!!!
    Great Giveaway!!

  3. Elizabeth H.

    That's some great advice! I hate the crowds so I'm thankful for this blog hop! Thanks for joining and for the chance to win!

    ehaney578 at aol dot com

  4. Fiza

    How do my christmas shopping go? Online ^_^

  5. Fiza

    How do my christmas shopping go? Online ^_^

  6. Samantha Holt

    Oh yes I forgot boxing day! We all have to be up at 5am so we don't miss out on the bargains! Thanks for stopping by Suzi.

  7. Samantha Holt

    Oh yes I forgot boxing day! We all have to be up at 5am so we don't miss out on the bargains! Thanks for stopping by Suzi.

  8. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by Nikki! I'm with you on online shopping but my postman now hates me…

  9. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by Nikki! I'm with you on online shopping but my postman now hates me…

  10. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth! This blog hop is a much better way of spending the day and definitely cheaper!

  11. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth! This blog hop is a much better way of spending the day and definitely cheaper!

  12. Samantha Holt

    I do the same, Fiza. Much easier! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Samantha Holt

    I do the same, Fiza. Much easier! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Tonya Merz

    Too cute on your quotes about black Friday. I am boring on my gift giving I give cash or gift card to them. I live far away from my family and their are older in their late teens or older. How sad

  15. Tonya Merz

    Too cute on your quotes about black Friday. I am boring on my gift giving I give cash or gift card to them. I live far away from my family and their are older in their late teens or older. How sad

  16. Rachel Green

    I'm trying to support independent shops more this year with my Christmas shopping, but I will have to do some online to keep the costs from spiraling! I've also had to shop for a secret Santa pass the parcel at my work. There is a 1 in 3 chance a fella is going to get the paper back of The Angels Assassin, I'm sure he'll enjoy it if he does! x

  17. Rachel Green

    I'm trying to support independent shops more this year with my Christmas shopping, but I will have to do some online to keep the costs from spiraling! I've also had to shop for a secret Santa pass the parcel at my work. There is a 1 in 3 chance a fella is going to get the paper back of The Angels Assassin, I'm sure he'll enjoy it if he does! x

  18. Gayle Latreille

    Having grandchildren and knowing how fussy they are, Gift Certificates is the only way to go. For my sister, e-book GC's.

  19. Gayle Latreille

    Having grandchildren and knowing how fussy they are, Gift Certificates is the only way to go. For my sister, e-book GC's.

  20. K. April Holgate

    I do not like crowds so BF shopping is not for me! I will be spending my day hopping and then snuggled up reading! Well that is after I decide on what new book I have just added to my to be read list! It gets longer every hop! Thanks!


  21. K. April Holgate

    I do not like crowds so BF shopping is not for me! I will be spending my day hopping and then snuggled up reading! Well that is after I decide on what new book I have just added to my to be read list! It gets longer every hop! Thanks!


  22. Veronika

    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here I live, so no Black Friday for me either. But it must be fun to go shopping 🙂

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. Veronika

    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here I live, so no Black Friday for me either. But it must be fun to go shopping 🙂

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. PamM

    Christmas shopping is mostly done in one day for me. Whenever hubby gets his bonus. As for Black Friday I stayed home and let him get some stuff this morning.
    kydirtgirl68 AT gmail DOT com

  25. Carla

    I'm not a Black Friday shopper. I don't believe that shopping should ever be a full contact sport. I spend the day baking cookies with my kiddos instead.

  26. Carla

    I'm not a Black Friday shopper. I don't believe that shopping should ever be a full contact sport. I spend the day baking cookies with my kiddos instead.

  27. Samantha Holt

    I envy you Tonya – my house looks like a toyshop before Christmas and I know half of the toys won't be played with!

  28. Samantha Holt

    I envy you Tonya – my house looks like a toyshop before Christmas and I know half of the toys won't be played with!

  29. Samantha Holt

    He he maybe he'll learn something from it!

  30. Samantha Holt

    He he maybe he'll learn something from it!

  31. Samantha Holt

    I'm with you there, Gayle! Thanks for stopping by.

  32. Samantha Holt

    I'm with you there, Gayle! Thanks for stopping by.

  33. Samantha Holt

    Sounds like a perfect day to me! Thanks for stopping by.

  34. Samantha Holt

    Sounds like a perfect day to me! Thanks for stopping by.

  35. Dita Škarste

    We don`t have Black Friday sales here (I`m an international reader), so I`m just attending giveaways like this one,lol.
    We usually don`t have big sales on Christmas here in Latvia cause that`s actually the time when all the stores & malls & companies want to earn a lot of money knowing that people will try to shop no matter what.

  36. Dita Škarste

    We don`t have Black Friday sales here (I`m an international reader), so I`m just attending giveaways like this one,lol.
    We usually don`t have big sales on Christmas here in Latvia cause that`s actually the time when all the stores & malls & companies want to earn a lot of money knowing that people will try to shop no matter what.

  37. Samantha Holt

    Here in Britain our Boxing day is pretty similar to Black Friday. I do love the sales, but hate the crowds!

  38. Samantha Holt

    Here in Britain our Boxing day is pretty similar to Black Friday. I do love the sales, but hate the crowds!

  39. Samantha Holt

    You sound so organised, Pam. I wish I could get mine done in a day. And I think you had the best idea – send hubby out to do the hard work!

  40. Samantha Holt

    Sounds like a blissful way to spend a day, Carla! Thanks for hopping on by.

  41. Samantha Holt

    Sounds like a blissful way to spend a day, Carla! Thanks for hopping on by.

  42. Samantha Holt

    Thank you for dropping in, Dita. A lot of our shops have sales on pretty much all year round – which means they're not really sales at all! But people just love the word 'sale' and think they are getting a bargain.

  43. Samantha Holt

    Thank you for dropping in, Dita. A lot of our shops have sales on pretty much all year round – which means they're not really sales at all! But people just love the word 'sale' and think they are getting a bargain.

  44. Miriam Whitewolf

    Oh i'm staying home this black friday!!! Nothing in the sale ads could make me go today. i do like to look them over and usually can find a better deal online.thanks you for joining the hop!

  45. Miriam Whitewolf

    Oh i'm staying home this black friday!!! Nothing in the sale ads could make me go today. i do like to look them over and usually can find a better deal online.thanks you for joining the hop!

  46. redzsm

    Hi 🙂 Glad to be here. As I am from the US, I have faced the Black Friday crowds before. I actually have fun & enjoy getting the big sales. Didn't get to go this year, but I got some excellent online sales. Thanks for participating in the Hop!!

    -Selena Mc

  47. redzsm

    Hi 🙂 Glad to be here. As I am from the US, I have faced the Black Friday crowds before. I actually have fun & enjoy getting the big sales. Didn't get to go this year, but I got some excellent online sales. Thanks for participating in the Hop!!

    -Selena Mc

  48. becca fowler

    No black friday for me. i just stay home and relax. i do most of my shopping online!

    beccaboo97200 (at) att (dot) net

  49. becca fowler

    No black friday for me. i just stay home and relax. i do most of my shopping online!

    beccaboo97200 (at) att (dot) net

  50. LisaRayns

    I'm not a black Friday shopper. lisarayns at gmail dot com

  51. LisaRayns

    I'm not a black Friday shopper. lisarayns at gmail dot com

  52. Kimberly Brooks

    I sent the hubby shopping….I am glad to have found you on this blog hop and look forward to reading your works. Kim86004(at)gmail(dot)com

  53. Kimberly Brooks

    I sent the hubby shopping….I am glad to have found you on this blog hop and look forward to reading your works. Kim86004(at)gmail(dot)com

  54. Wild N Mild $$$

    I skipped Black Friday shopping this year. No $$ = no shopping.

    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  55. Wild N Mild $$$

    I skipped Black Friday shopping this year. No $$ = no shopping.

    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  56. Liese2

    A few of my friends do Black Friday, but it's not for me.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  57. Liese2

    A few of my friends do Black Friday, but it's not for me.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. Christie


  59. Christie


  60. Karen H in NC

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  61. Karen H in NC

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  62. Shadow

    Hi! Happy Holidays to you! No, im not a shopper on black friday. I hate crowds. I like to stay home, spend time with my family and eat leftovers. 🙂 Thanks for the awesome hop and giveaway! Best wishes and many blessings to you!

  63. Shadow

    Hi! Happy Holidays to you! No, im not a shopper on black friday. I hate crowds. I like to stay home, spend time with my family and eat leftovers. 🙂 Thanks for the awesome hop and giveaway! Best wishes and many blessings to you!

  64. Book Attict

    I don't do Black Friday — the week before Thanksgiving usually marks the LAST time I deal with retail until after the New Year!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  65. Book Attict

    I don't do Black Friday — the week before Thanksgiving usually marks the LAST time I deal with retail until after the New Year!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  66. Sue Sattler

    I love Black Friday shopping, (I live in a small town and people are pretty friendly, no blood or bruising) but this year they started at 8pm on thursday so I decided to stay at home and read. I went out about 11:30, when the stores were almost empty and still got all the specials that I wanted.


  67. CBarton

    I avoid Black Friday, too many people and too much traffic. Thank you for being a part of the hop.

  68. Susan W.

    Went furniture shopping and that was the most of my Black Friday shopping!


  69. M.L. Ryan

    Thanks for the hop stop!

    melhalp at

  70. M.L. Ryan

    Thanks for the hop stop!

    melhalp at

  71. BLHmistress

    Christmas shopping for us is we do it when we can sometimes late at night to avoid the crowds as much as possible.


  72. BLHmistress

    Christmas shopping for us is we do it when we can sometimes late at night to avoid the crowds as much as possible.


  73. Charlene A. Wilson

    Good advice. It's usually an irritating time just dealing with the attitudes much less the long lines. 🙁 I stuck to the web. 😉

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    fancie @ live. com

  74. Charlene A. Wilson

    Good advice. It's usually an irritating time just dealing with the attitudes much less the long lines. 🙁 I stuck to the web. 😉

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    fancie @ live. com

  75. Julie

    I would rather stay at home and play with my kids instead of dealing with insane shoppers on Black Friday! Thank you for participating in this blog hop and for the great giveaway!

    Julie K

  76. Catherine Lee

    So many Americans DON'T queue well. We can learn something from the Brits. Although, I don't like to generalize, but Germans are the worst about queuing! That's just my observation…
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  77. Danita Minnis

    I celebrate Black Friday Writing Day 🙂

  78. CatFire

    Christmas shopping in the US takes many forms – Christmas in Jul, Black Friday and there is always the lay-a-way and the internet. Black Friday is the only one that see,s to bring out the worst in people – pushing, shoving, fighting, etc. So….I stay home and blog hop hoping to win something – free books are always good.

  79. Lona

    I shop from home, I have a hard time dealing with rude people and lines. Makes me what to start drop kicking people (just the rude ones). Thx for the hop stop.

    blinkysthebest at aol dot com

  80. Misha

    Thank you for that peek! It's always fun to learn about different countries~ here shopping is pretty laid back I think (in my town). I've never had problems with rude or pushy people. It's always a blast to go out and brave the crowds! Everyone I come across is in good spirits and I have met some great people in checkout lines! Thank you for the lovely giveaway~

    MostlyMisha [at] gmail [dot] com

  81. Marlene Breakfield

    I don’t go out on Black Friday, but I do order online. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Marlene Breakfield

  82. Marlene Breakfield

    I don’t go out on Black Friday, but I do order online. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Marlene Breakfield

  83. Z

    I don't shop on Black Friday but I do about two days before Christmas.
    Seawitch Reviews @ yahoo .com

  84. Z

    I don't shop on Black Friday but I do about two days before Christmas.
    Seawitch Reviews @ yahoo .com

  85. Jo

    Christmas shopping can get pretty harried here in Delaware. I avoided the crowds at the mall today and went to the movies instead. Thanks for being in the hop!

    jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

  86. Mydurango618

    I do like to shop on Black Friday, but the last few years I have found better sales, No lines, No rude people, and free shipping on Cyber Monday.

  87. Krysykat

    Christmas shopping is hectic, really hectic.


  88. Mel Bourn

    Instead of shopping, I'm hopping! I prefer to do my shopping online.
    Happy Black Friday.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  89. Mel Bourn

    Instead of shopping, I'm hopping! I prefer to do my shopping online.
    Happy Black Friday.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  90. Alyson LaBarge

    Hi Samantha! I loved your insight into Brits and your shopping for Christmas. I would love to be there for the Holidays some time! Also, I love Angel's Assassin and couldn't be more excited about this giveaway!

    Thanks for participating in this hop!

    3girlzmama at

  91. Alyson LaBarge

    Hi Samantha! I loved your insight into Brits and your shopping for Christmas. I would love to be there for the Holidays some time! Also, I love Angel's Assassin and couldn't be more excited about this giveaway!

    Thanks for participating in this hop!

    3girlzmama at

  92. donnas

    Thanks for the hop!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  93. donnas

    Thanks for the hop!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  94. Chelsea Rafferty

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop! Hope you have a happy thanksgiving. I stayed home this year for black friday because its a bit frightening in stores, I prefer shopping at home LOL! 😉

    Not sure on Xmas shopping here, I don't bother trying LOL! People during holiday shopping frighten me 😛

    swtlilangel4jc at yahoo dot com

  95. Chelsea Rafferty

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop! Hope you have a happy thanksgiving. I stayed home this year for black friday because its a bit frightening in stores, I prefer shopping at home LOL! 😉

    Not sure on Xmas shopping here, I don't bother trying LOL! People during holiday shopping frighten me 😛

    swtlilangel4jc at yahoo dot com

  96. Samantha Holt

    Thank for stopping by Miriam! Online shopping is definitely the way forwards!

  97. Samantha Holt

    Thank for stopping by Miriam! Online shopping is definitely the way forwards!

  98. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for hopping on by Selena! It's nice to hear that Black Friday can be a fun experience

  99. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for hopping on by Selena! It's nice to hear that Black Friday can be a fun experience

  100. Samantha Holt

    Hi Becca, sounds like a great way to spend the day to me! Thanks for visiting.

  101. Samantha Holt

    Hi Becca, sounds like a great way to spend the day to me! Thanks for visiting.

  102. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by, Lisa!

  103. Samantha Holt

    I agree, Jinni. Thanks for coming on over!

  104. Samantha Holt

    I agree, Jinni. Thanks for coming on over!

  105. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for dropping in, Kimberley! You definitely have the right idea. Let the hubby do the hard work.

  106. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for dropping in, Kimberley! You definitely have the right idea. Let the hubby do the hard work.

  107. Samantha Holt

    Well blog hopping is a much better way of spending your day, Jennifer, and with such a great price, it's definitely time well spent!

  108. Samantha Holt

    Well blog hopping is a much better way of spending your day, Jennifer, and with such a great price, it's definitely time well spent!

  109. Samantha Holt

    Thank you for stopping by and saying Hi!

  110. Samantha Holt

    Thank you for stopping by and saying Hi!

  111. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for hopping over, Christie!

  112. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for hopping over, Christie!

  113. Samantha Holt

    Hi Karen, thank you for taking the time to say Hi!

  114. Samantha Holt

    Hi Karen, thank you for taking the time to say Hi!

  115. Samantha Holt

    That sounds like a lovely way to spend the day! Thanks for stopping by!

  116. Samantha Holt

    That sounds like a lovely way to spend the day! Thanks for stopping by!

  117. Samantha Holt

    You are organised Elizabeth! I wish I didn't have any more shopping to do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  118. Samantha Holt

    You are organised Elizabeth! I wish I didn't have any more shopping to do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  119. Samantha Holt

    That sounds lovely, Sue. Just goes to show that Black Friday doesn't have to be the nightmare that everyone thinks it is. And well done on getting everything you wanted!

  120. Samantha Holt

    That sounds lovely, Sue. Just goes to show that Black Friday doesn't have to be the nightmare that everyone thinks it is. And well done on getting everything you wanted!

  121. Samantha Holt

    Hi Kandy, thanks for stopping by. This is definitely a better way of spending the day.

  122. Samantha Holt

    Hi Kandy, thanks for stopping by. This is definitely a better way of spending the day.

  123. Samantha Holt

    Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Good luck!

  124. Samantha Holt

    Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Good luck!

  125. Samantha Holt

    I hope you got something nice Susan! Thanks for hopping over.

  126. Samantha Holt

    I hope you got something nice Susan! Thanks for hopping over.

  127. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by, good luck!

  128. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by, good luck!

  129. Samantha Holt

    I think its quite nice shopping late at night when there are no crowds, especially when the Christmas lights are on. Thanks for stopping by!

  130. Samantha Holt

    I think its quite nice shopping late at night when there are no crowds, especially when the Christmas lights are on. Thanks for stopping by!

  131. Samantha Holt

    Thanks Cassandra, good luck!

  132. Samantha Holt

    Thanks Cassandra, good luck!

  133. Samantha Holt

    I think a lot of people choose to do that now, definitely much easier. Good luck!

  134. Samantha Holt

    I think a lot of people choose to do that now, definitely much easier. Good luck!

  135. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by Charlene! Yes, even us British get very rude when we're shopping! Much easier to do it from the comfort of your own home.

  136. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by Charlene! Yes, even us British get very rude when we're shopping! Much easier to do it from the comfort of your own home.

  137. Samantha Holt

    You definitely have the right idea, Julie! Good luck!

  138. Samantha Holt

    You definitely have the right idea, Julie! Good luck!

  139. Samantha Holt

    Queueing is definitely something we take pride in! Unfortunately it doesn't mean we're polite the rest of the time. Sales are particularly daunting and the Christmas food shop is just awful. I genuinely had a an old lady snatch some broccoli from right in front of me once!

  140. Samantha Holt

    Queueing is definitely something we take pride in! Unfortunately it doesn't mean we're polite the rest of the time. Sales are particularly daunting and the Christmas food shop is just awful. I genuinely had a an old lady snatch some broccoli from right in front of me once!

  141. Samantha Holt

    Fantastic way to spend the day, Danita!

  142. Samantha Holt

    Fantastic way to spend the day, Danita!

  143. Samantha Holt

    Much better to get something for free than have to fight your way for a bargain I think, and much more fun! Thanks for stopping by!

  144. Samantha Holt

    Much better to get something for free than have to fight your way for a bargain I think, and much more fun! Thanks for stopping by!

  145. Samantha Holt

    Ha ha Lona, I'm with you on the drop-kicking! Rude people do bring out my urge to kick them a swift kick up the backside!

  146. Samantha Holt

    That's lovely, Misha. If only everyone could be the same, it would make Christmas shopping so much nicer. The town I grew up in was very much like that, and Christmas shopping was a lovely night out of bargains, mince pies and Christmas carols around the tree in the market square. I miss it a lot!

  147. Samantha Holt

    That's lovely, Misha. If only everyone could be the same, it would make Christmas shopping so much nicer. The town I grew up in was very much like that, and Christmas shopping was a lovely night out of bargains, mince pies and Christmas carols around the tree in the market square. I miss it a lot!

  148. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by, Marlene. Online shopping is definitely the way forward!

  149. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by, Marlene. Online shopping is definitely the way forward!

  150. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by! Good luck!

  151. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by! Good luck!

  152. Samantha Holt

    Hi Jo, thanks for stopping by. What a great way to spend the day!

  153. Samantha Holt

    Hi Jo, thanks for stopping by. What a great way to spend the day!

  154. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for hopping over! There are defiintely some great bargains to be had online.

  155. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for hopping over! There are defiintely some great bargains to be had online.

  156. Samantha Holt

    There is something about Christmas that turns normally sensible people into nutters. Thanks for stopping by!

  157. Samantha Holt

    There is something about Christmas that turns normally sensible people into nutters. Thanks for stopping by!

  158. Samantha Holt

    Hi Mel, much better way of spending the day in my opinion. Thanks for hopping with me!

  159. Samantha Holt

    Hi Alyson. thanks for stopping by! Hotel a la Samantha is always open to you if you ever come over, though its very miserable and wet at this time of year. Good luck!

  160. Samantha Holt

    Hi Alyson. thanks for stopping by! Hotel a la Samantha is always open to you if you ever come over, though its very miserable and wet at this time of year. Good luck!

  161. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by, Donna! Good luck.

  162. Samantha Holt

    Thanks for stopping by, Donna! Good luck.

  163. Samantha Holt

    They are a frightening bunch, online shopping from the comfort of your own home is a much nicer way of doing it. Thanks for dropping by, Chelsea!

  164. Samantha Holt

    They are a frightening bunch, online shopping from the comfort of your own home is a much nicer way of doing it. Thanks for dropping by, Chelsea!

  165. Rivad Arellano

    Nice post !!Christmas shopping is mostly done in one day for me.I highly recommend the online shopping thing.I started collecting presents.

  166. Rivad Arellano

    Nice post !!Christmas shopping is mostly done in one day for me.I highly recommend the online shopping thing.I started collecting presents.

Hey there, I´m Samantha

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.