Please welcome Susan who is my author spotlight for the week. Find out about her book below!
Living in Ephesus in the early 90’s AD was no picnic for Christians – they were hated by the Jews, who saw them as traitors to the faith of Abraham. The pagans persecuted them and periodically there were riots where some were murdered… then there were the Romans. Christians were ‘fair game’ for persecution. Why? Because they weren’t trusted, they were seen as rebels. They had a determination that there was one God and would not participate in the ‘emperor worship’ of the time. With Domitian as the emperor that could be dangerous.
Purchase Hold the Faith on Amazon.
Now over to Susan, to tell us about herself:
I was born in Peebles, a town in the Scottish borders, but moved to Australia in 1975. I live in Perth, Western Australia with my husband of twenty-five event filled years. (We lost a teenage son.)
I have worked as a shop assistant, double loom weaver, trained as a Psychiatric nurse and worked as an After-care Nursing Sister in an outpatient clinic and in the community.
My last job (before being bitten by the writing bug) was as a certified computer trainer. (Certificate IV in Training and Assessing). The holder of a Microsoft Master qualification in Office 2007, I enjoyed my work in a Registered Training Centre. I also had some private students and wrote manuals for them re-interpreting the jargon filled, missing steps manuals that left beginners wanting to quit. I loved the ‘aha’ moment when it clicked for a student, especially mature aged learners.
I have recently published Hold the Faith and have book two in the series ‘Grow in Faith’ ready to edit. Book three is only a draft and book four an idea that hasn’t made it to my computer pages yet.
Christian history fascinates me and a Bible Study on the Apostle John inspired me to set this history down.
I am a practising Christian, a Sabbath keeper and member of a very supportive church.
Thanks for stopping by!