Author Spotlight: Kathleen Morris

by | Nov 9, 2012 | author spotlight, deep bay vengeance, kathleen morris

When Loretta’s only son gets killed during a bank robbery, she sets out to find his killer no matter what the cost. The story brings us to a remote fly-in-fishing camp in Northern Saskatchewan where three very different people come together for very different reasons. Together they pursue truth, discover faith, and expose corruption of the human spirit deep in the heart of Canada’s north.

About Kathleen

I was born and raised in Saskatchewan and love to put a little bit of it in each book I write. My favorite genre is Christian Fiction Suspense but I’ve written poems and songs as well as many plays over the years. 

I look at my writing as my ministry. I like to write about ‘real’ Christian people with flaws and show how they overcome them. I think we are all the same basically, with the same pressures in life, the same difficulties. I know I like to read about that and love to incorporate it all in my stories so we can all learn from each other. 

I enjoy sitting in my office typing away. If you were a fly on my wall, you’d find me smirking, laughing, grumbling, and yes…even crying as I write my characters lives. 

I consider my books as my babies…and I have two. Deep Bay Vengeance and Deep Bay Relic are two books in my first series. I thoroughly enjoyed writing both of them even though it took me ten years to get them published. I’m currently working on my next series. The Blood War Series…but for now…I will keep that a secret:)

I have raised three grown children and find that my nest is empty now since they have all moved away…but since I’ve filled it with my new babies…I never feel alone. Yes I see my grown children often and spend time with my hubby of twenty five years…but I always seem to be thinking of story ideas because writing is and always will be my passion!

You can find Kathleen’s books on Amazon and Smashwords.

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