Author Interview: Lawna Mackie

by | Jan 14, 2013 | Blog

Welcome to author Lawna Mackie today! She’s sharing a bit with us about her book Quinn’s Christmas Wish (we did connected just before Christmas and well, with all the snow we’re having here, it’s very appopriate!) and reading and writing in general.

Thank you for having me on your site Samantha. I hope you and your readers will enjoy learning a little bit about me and my novella QUINN’S CHRISTMAS WISH

1. What books did you love as a child? Why?
I loved the book “Secret World of Og”. The names still stick in my head. The Pollywog and the critters called Ogs.

2. Who are your favorite authors? How did they influence your writing?
My favorite authors are Sherrilyn Kenyon and Christine Feehan. Their novels always transported me to another place. Paranormal romance stuck in my heart.

3. When did you decide you wanted to be a writer? Why did you decide to write?
I always dreamed of being a writer, but never really decided to embrace the thought until about four years ago.

4. What are the joys of writing for you?
I love being swept away when I write. I love my characters and the journey they make throughout the novel.

5. What are the obstacles of writing? How do you overcome them?
Finding the time to write is the largest obstacle for me. I over come that with the help of my wonderful husband who gives me all the support and space I need. He’s always by my side helping me to succeed.

6. What is your favorite genre to read in? Write in? Why?
I love paranormal/romantic fantasy. I read it and I write it. I also love historical romances. My Christmas novella QUINN’S CHRISTMAS WISH is a bit of both. It’s a paranormal within a Christmas story.

7. How would you describe your writing style? How did you develop it?
Good question. I think there is a genuine innocence about what I write, but I also love fantasy creatures, and I’m not scared of scary villains. I’ve always thought of my life as somewhat of a fairy tale so I think I share that in my writing.

8. What was the inspiration for your book?
I’ve brought to life an animal that lives in my heart. It’s a memory that has lived with me for many years. I’ll have to save that story for another time.

9. What were the challenges of writing your story?
QUINN’S CHRISTMAS WISH takes place in 1912, so that was challenging for me…it is a historical with a paranormal elements, something I haven’t attempted to write before.

10. Tell us about your book.
QUINN’S CHRISTAS WISH is a magical paranormal romance Christmas novella. It’s a heart felt story about compassion, love and the hardships found in a town called Bandit Creek. Here is a review I copied from Amazon. It gives a good description of the story.

“Loved this book! The connection between Samuel and Amanda was immediate. Such a fiery romance between the two. Poor Quinn with all his trials and heartbreak at least is finally able to find a friend in the most unlikely place, Jazira, a fantastical talking wolf. Jazira is able to survive in this world only due to the kindness of Quinn, Samuel and Amanda, but gives back more than what she has received. Lawna made me cry twice with this story, once in despair, and then again in happiness! Looking forward to Ms. Mackie’s other two books coming out in December and January, and looking forward to more Bandit Creek Books!”

Here is the Amazon link

11. What did you learn about yourself from writing this book?
I learned that I really enjoyed writing a historical paranormal romance, and I enjoyed the youth aspect of this novel.

12. What advice do you have for other writers?
Don’t ever give up! This is a quote from one of my co-workers that holds a lot of meaning.
“Congratulations for doing what many only think about!”

13. What do you wish someone had told you about writing that you learned the hard way?
1. Write because you love it.
2. Write what you love to read.
3. Enjoy writing because editing isn’t fun.

14. Anything else you’d like your readers to know?
QUINN’S CHRISTMAS WISH, and the conception of Bandit Creek Books was done in conjunction with a fantastic group of authors. I encourage everyone to visit Bandit Creek at

Lawna recnetly also released

For more information please stop by for a visit


Chapter One

Dried leaves crunched beneath twelve-year old Quinn’s weight as he sank to his knees. His throat burned and he swallowed hard, his breath catching in his chest. He would not cry. He wouldn’t! In slow motion, he watched a drop of his crimson blood splatter against the carpet of fallen leaves. Anger and hurt brought unshed tears to his eyes.
The wind gusted amongst the trees, blowing the hair away from his face and forcing him to sit up. Whatever leaves were left on the poplars rustled and the tall spruce groaned and cracked, swaying along in the breeze.
Quinn shook his head and pounded the ground with his fist.
The flood of Bandit Creek a year ago had stolen his hopes, dreams and happiness. Despite the rebuilding of the town, evil thrived in many forms. Countless bodies had never been recovered. Men, women and children, drowned, trapped at the bottom of the lake…Lost Lake as it was now called. A year later, murder, superstition, possession, and mysterious illnesses engulfed the town and survivors of the flood.
Choking back the painful memories, his fingertips traced his father’s name etched in the tombstone. With the back of his hand, he wiped the blood away from his nose and mouth. He could almost hear his Pa’s deep soothing voice. You’re strong, Quinn. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Deep down he hoped his father was right.

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Hey there, I´m Samantha

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.