Author Interview: Eve Rabi

by | May 20, 2013 | Blog

What is your name and where do you live now?

My name is Eve Rabi and I reside in the land of Crocodile Dundee (You call that a knife? No, this is a knife), and Russell Crowe (the phone-throwing dude), Sydney Australia.
However, I was born in beautiful South Africa, land of Nelson Mandela, where I owned my very own firearm which I carried around twenty-four-seven. (I was a lousy shot I must quickly add, in case you want to challenge me to a duel and stuff.)
First off, how has your week been?
My week has been good. Just getting back on the dating scene, so I’m skipping bread, chocolate, wine, fat, hot chocolate with marshmallows, dairy and … well, all that tastes good, actually. (Sad face)
But, oh, I started running again. Body is now banging – looking toned and sculptured and …well, not quite banging, but it
may be by 2015. Hey, a girl can hope, can’t she?
Btw, I was asked out by my gynaecologist. After a routine examination of my reproductive organs.  Yeah, I know, it’s kinda weird. But that’s another story.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how long you’ve been writing?
Been writing for about 8 years. Had about five almost-complete manuscripts lying around. So now all I’m doing is final edits and slapping them onto Not interested in publishers.
I am known for my kick-ass heroines with potty mouths. When I was about 9, I read Valley of the Dolls and that book inspired me.
I grew up in the hood so my stories are about girls/ guys from that background. I’m also into bi-racial romances.
I like sparkling white in a long stemmed glass, Lindt chocolate and glorious sunsets.
I’m a former registered nurse/real estate business owner/magazine editor/make-up artist.
I’m nurturing by nature and a bit of a cry baby. (I cried when Simba’s father died in Lion King. There, I’ve confessed. )
I’m really into music – got over 12 000 songs on my iPod, all downloaded illegally so don’t tell anyone.
I like all kinds of music, even rap and country (it’s the song, not the genre). Music plays constantly in my home.
I have two daughters, Skye and Raine who share my love for music and my perverted sense of humour. 

Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
Even though I wrote articles for a newspaper and I ran a glossy, upmarket magazine with my ex, I had no idea I could write novels. But once I started writing, I couldn’t stop. I write at the expense of everything and sometimes I even forget to eat!
What is the name of your latest book, and if you had to summarise it what would you say?
My latest book is called (working title) Victim No More – Revenge of the Ex.
It’s about an abusive and controlling husband who, when his wife breaks away from him, engineers revenge that almost destroys her.   
But as with all my female characters who are kick-ass and spunky, the wife decides to fight back. Even though I promised myself I won’t write another book till June 2013, (as I need to set my linen closet, among other things), it’s a story that just won’t let me go, and I find that I just have to write it. 🙂

Please tell us about your current release.

My last release was Deception – A Palace Full of Liars

A beautiful, but wicked queen, a poor village girl, a gay prince and an unsuspecting New Yorker. 
Thirteen-year-old Henna Day was living in poverty when she was hand-picked by Queen Karisma of Asokastan, (a North West State of India) to be a bride for Crown Prince Vijay.
Shortly after her wedding, Henna learned that Prince Vijay was gay and that he had the mentality of a child. 
As the years go by, she is expected to produce an heir. But Vijay will not consummate the marriage. Out of desperation, Henna seduces Rusty Carrington, Prince Vijay’s fencing instructor, who is on contract in Asokastan, and who has no idea who Henna is. 
The moment she falls pregnant, Henna disappears from Rusty life. 
Rusty is devastated as he is madly in love with Henna. Since his contract is over, he goes back to New York. 
However, things get complicated when Queen Karisma becomes obsessed with Rusty Carrington and tries to woo him back into the palace. 
Out of the lies and deception emerges a beautiful story about forbidden love. 

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

You don’t have to be a striking beauty to capture a wonderful man.  There are many doors to a man’s heart, not just through his eyes. (I have to remember to tell myself that when I see a good looking man and think I don’t stand a chance with him.) And if all that doesn’t work, do what Henna did, kick his ass. Hard. When he recovers from his concussion, he will think you are a nut-job, yes, but after that, he will become somewhat fascinated by you.  (And wear hooker heels when you kick his ass.)
What genre would you place your books into?
Modern romance with violence, strong language, sexual violence, sexual reference, racial slurs …I’m nuts, I tell you! But you will laugh and be entertained or your money back.
What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
I’ve had a few criticisms but a ton of compliments. As you can imagine, I don’t worry about too much about criticism. My best compliment is as a reader put it:
“As I raced through the two volumes of this book at breakneck speed, I kept wishing I was an editor at a big publishing house. No, not because of the typos, though there were a few; but because I’d love to ‘discover’ Eve Rabi and hand her a million dollar advance. Because I feel in my gut that this could be the next big thing, the funny, female, 3rd millennium version of M*A*S*H.
Eve Rabi is an honest, natural story teller with an amazingly strong voice. Her characters are real people, so alive that the externals of setting and historical events seem unimportant. Her style is so natural, she seems unaware of the risks she’s taking.”  Amazon Reviewer.
What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? What format is it?(eBook, hardback or paperback)
Currently reading a dating manual. What to say to men to bag yourself a husband. ie.;
I love Playboy magazine, it has greeaaat articles.
You like cricket? I love cricket too. I could watch it all day.
Oh yes, beer is way better than chardonnay.

Eve Rabi is the author of 14 novellas and is known for her kick-ass leading ladies.

Her books include:
GRINGA -In the hands of a Ruthless Drug Lord (Which has reached No 1 on Amazon)
CAPTURED – My Sworn Enemy, my Secret Lover
THE CHEAT – A tale of lies and Infidelity
ROYAL DECEPTION – A Palace full of Liars
BURN’S WORLD – A love Triangle

Books that, like GRINGA, are sure to offend, entertain and amuse readers in various parts of the globe. She is currently working on her 5th novel, which she hopes to release in the next couple of months.
Please direct all hate mail and death threats to as she would really love to hear from you, good and not so good and please …write a review.

Find Eve’s books on Amazon and follow her on Facebook or stop by her blog.

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