The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

by | Jan 2, 2013 | Blog

Today I’m participating in TNBT Blog hop. 

What is a blog hop? Basically, it’s a way readers can discover new authors, because with bookstores closing and publishers not promoting new authors as much, we need to find a way to introduce readers to authors they may not see in their local bookstore.

Here, you’ll have the chance to find new authors along with information about Elaine D Walsh and her novel Restoration.  See the links below to meet five other authors you might like to check out.
I’d like to thank fellow author Elaine D Walsh for tagging me to participate.

Click the links below to find out about Elaine D Walsh’s novel Atomic Summer or to visit her and learn more about her other work:

Atomic Summer   
Website & Blog

In this particular hop, I and my fellow authors, in their respective blogs, have answered 10 questions where you get to learn about our current work in progress as well as some insights into our process, from characters and inspirations to plotting and cover decisions. I hope you enjoy it!

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts and questions.

1: What is the working title of your book?

All my books start off as the hero and heroine’s name. A title very often comes up right at the end for me so currently it’s simply ‘Dominic and Lucy’.

2: Where did the idea come from for the book?
This story follows on from my recently finished book (release date still to be announced), Borderland Bride. This featured two sexy brothers, Jake and Dominic, and when I wrote it, I knew one of the brothers would not get his happy ending so I wanted to give him a chance to find love too.

3: What genre does your book come under?

Medieval Romance

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I always enjoy watching Kate Winslet and she has that beautiful English rose look that would work well for Lucy, though Lucy is only twenty-one. Kate is gorgeous through, so I’m sure she could pull it off!

For Dominic, I picture him as a young Brendan Fraser but I adore Chris Hemsworth and I enjoyed his portrayal of the huntsman in Snow White and the Huntsmen. I think he would be perfect.

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Dominic of Thornewall has already lost out on one bride – will he succeed in charming his way into his next bride’s heart?

6: Is your book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency?

I’m in discussion with an independent publisher for this series.

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

It normally takes me three months. Borderland Bride took me just under three months before editing and I’m hoping ‘Lucy and Dominic’ will take slightly less. I’ve found it’s come quite easily so far. Borderland Bride was quite challenging in places because of communication issues between the hero and heroine but I have a good idea of Dominic and Lucy’s personalities so it’s coming a lot more quickly.

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Medieval romance authors are a fairly rare breed but there are some wonderfully talented women out there. I enjoy Kerrigan Byrne and Marsha Canham’s work. They certainly inspire me and they both like to add in a bit of suspense, much like myself.

9: Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Foremost, I felt Dominic from Borderland Bride deserved to meet someone. He is a typical alpha-male, confident, charming and, unusually for my heroes, has no chips on his shoulder, so I really wanted to try my hand at exploring his personality more. He does have his vulnerable moments however, and I wanted to explore those as well as bring in a lovely heroine who could bring him to his knees.

10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Lucy and Dominic’s tale is one of love but also survival. I touched on the struggles the people of the borderlands had to face in Borderland Bride but Lucy and Dominic’s tale will reveal a lot more about how hard life was for the people on the borderlands and their love will certainly not come easily.

Below you will find authors who will be joining me by blog, next Wednesday. Do be sure to bookmark and add them to your calendars for updates on WIPs and New Releases! Happy Writing and Reading!

Dianna Bellerose
Sheena L. Smith

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Hey there, I´m Samantha

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.