Heartbreaker Blog Hop

by | Feb 8, 2013 | Blog

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to comment! I had a lot of fun. Congratulations to Sebrina who was the randomly chosen winner of The One Knight Collection. I hope you enjoy it!

Are our heroes heartthrobs or heartbreakers? Or are they just the same thing? Yummy right? Valentine’s Day is just around the corner for this blog hop and we’re gearing up to see what exactly is a heartbreaker. Is the song playing in your head line mine? “Cuz he’s a heartbreaker!” We love those sexy men, but what about those times in the story when they aren’t perfect. Because come on, we know they aren’t perfect. What makes those men heartbreakers? What can those guys do to make it better? Is there a way to grovel? Come on! Tell me about your heartbreaker!!

Almost 300 bloggers have giveaways and posts about those men we love! 

But that’s not all….

We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card

3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!

When I signed up for this blog hop, it occured to me that I’d never written a true heartbreaker. Oh, all my heroes are sexy and wonderful but they mostly fall into the brooding, tortured catergory. However, my current WIP (currently unnamed – Borderland Legacy Book 2) is my first try at a man who has most definitely left a trail of broken hearts behind. And my heroine, Lucy, fears that she may become another one of those ladies. Here’s a little snippet (please bear in mind this hasn’t been edited yet!)

       “You care a great deal about the ‘other women’. ‘Tis odd when you profess to care little about my affairs.”
       “I care not what you do. You are a free man and may lie with whomever you choose.”
        His lips slanted into a wry smile. “And yet the mere mention of other women sparks anger in your eyes. I told you before, your eyes give you away. ‘Tis more than indignation that ignites the fire in you,‘tis jealousy.”
     “Jealousy?” she spluttered. “Why should I be jealous?”
     As he leaned closer, Lucy backed away, gasping with surprise as her back hit the cold stone wall. With nowhere to escape, Dominic moved closer still, bringing his mouth to her ear. His cheek brushed hers and she shuddered as his breath whispered over her.
     She supposed she could probably shove him away but her hands would not cooperate and instead clung to the stone, as if the rock could provide her with some kind of strength to deny him. So easy. It would be so easy just to turn her head and kiss him. It would take only the smallest of movements.
     His lips grazed her exposed neck, so briefly that she would not have been sure it happened were it not for the scalding imprint his mouth left. “You are jealous because you wish to be one of those ladies,” he breathed into her ear.
     She gulped and shook her head but any words of protest died on her lips as his hand came up to the other side of her neck and curled domineeringly around it.
     He kissed her ear. “But ‘twill not happen.” He kissed again as she frowned. “For you would not be just one of those ladies.” His lips sealed around her lobe, nipping briefly at it and extracting a choked cry from her. “You would be the only lady.”

So what do we think? Have I created a heartbreaker? I hope so. You’ll have to find out for sure when my lovely Dominic is finally in  print. Don’t forget to comment with your email address to be in with a chance of winning those fab prizes as well as a copy of The One Knight Collection.

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USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.