General Update!

by | Apr 15, 2013 | Blog

So this week my blog is ridiculously empty. Mostly I blame my husband. He’s been home for three weeks after 4 months away and needs a lot of attention! He is heading back abroad for his final four month stint tomorrow.

Anyway I thought I’d use this dry spell to update you on works in progress and life in general. My most recent news is of course Borderland Bride being released. It is now available on Amazon and ARe and I’m pleased to say it has been received really well so far.

Borderland Beauty (Book 2 of The Borderland Legacy) has also been contracted by my publisher and will be released later on in the year.

And I am currently writing a fantasy romance novella in a medieval setting. It’s close to finished (I hope!). Here is a blurb for it:

It is written that a God may aid a human but once. And only if they hear your call.

When Tyondric, the God of Fire, visits Eden for a third time and rescues her, she knows things will never be the same again. Especially when he informs her that she is The Pure Soul – the only one that can close the gate to the heavens and prevent the evil in Ananthuria spreading. Ty is willing to break every rule to save the world.

And to save Eden.
Lonely and cast out of society, Eden fears the company of this beautiful God. As they set out on their journey to the gate, she quickly learns that he doesn’t understand the rules of humanity. You can’t just kiss someone because you want to, for example. Especially when the one doing the kissing is a gorgeous God, capable of breaking through every boundary and forcing his way into Eden’s heart. But what will happen when they close the gate and the world returns to normal? Can a mortal and a God ever be together? And with an evil lord on their trail, will they even succeed?
York Minster

I have also been busy cramming in some research with a visit to historic York in the north of England. Photos to come soon but my favourite part had to be a visit the Barley Hall, a gorgeous medieval hall tucked away in the centre of the city. They had some gorgeous dresses on display and it was a very ‘hands on’ exhibition so I had a wow of a time feeling all the fabrics and playing with the herbs and spices they had out as well as learning about some medieval cures. We also visited with a female skeleton, who must have had a pretty rough life as her skeleton showed signs of so many illnesses, including leprosy. 

And while spending time with my lovely family, I have been merrily plotting  away. For those that have read Borderland Bride already, you will know a little about Captain James. I plan to write book no.3 of The Borderland Legacy series later on this year and give the hard-working captain his HEA! If time allows I hope to write a Highland novella this year too.

I am also continuing on with my blog story, currently named simply ‘Alexander and Sabine’. I’m publishing it on a blog here every two weeks or so and am loving the way the characters are coming together. Hopefully once it’s finished it will be going into a charity novel. 

So there we go! Safe to say life is pretty busy what with my 7 year old girls keeping me on my toes and my active imagination keeping me even busier. I hope you all have a great week.

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Hey there, I´m Samantha

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Samantha Holt is known for fun, witty, and usually steamy historical romances. She’s been a full-time writer for longer than she ever thought possible having originally trained as a nurse and an archaeologist. She’s a champion napper, owner of too many animals, mum to twins, and lives in a small village near the very middle of England.