Book Tour Stop: Reckless Endangerment by Amber Lea Easton

by | Jul 1, 2013 | amber lea easton, book tour stop, reckless endangerment, romantic suspense

Please welcome Amber on her book tour today. She’s sharing her latest release, Reckless Endangerment, with us and also a few secrets šŸ˜‰ Be sure to enter the rafflecopter below to win a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card. Contest is tour-wide and ends July 12. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.

For the benefit of the readers please tell us your name and where you live now?
I’m Amber Lea Easton and I live SW of Denver, Colorado, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
First off, how has your week been?
It’s been great, thanks for asking! A little hectic as we have a lot of wildfires burning very close to us. As I answer these questions, slurry bombers carrying flame retardant are flying over my house along with news’ helicopters.  So how come it’s great, you ask? Because our house is still standing when many aren’t and I have full faith in the fire fighters. It’s all going to be okay. (as I sip from my full wine glass…)  
Eeek! Sending prayers your way. Wine always helps! So did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
Yes, I’ve always wanted to be a writerā€”and an FBI agent, a pilot, a tour guide, an architect, a marketing executive…you get the idea. Being a writer allows me to experience many different professions through the eyes of my characters, which is truly a blessing.  I started writing stories in notebooks when I was 9 years old, became a reporter in my adult life, and am now fortunate enough to be an author.
Please tell us about your current release.
Reckless Endangerment is a romantic suspense novel whose plot was born from real world headlines regarding post traumatic stress disorder in war vets and human trafficking.  I don’t want to repeat the blurb too much, but, essentially, it’s about a marine returning home from Afghanistan who’s wounded, unsure of his role as ‘citizen’, and not too sure he’s up for being married anymore.  He met his wife, Hope Shane, in a war zone where she worked as a correspondent. Now she’s back in Denver, waiting for him, and working as an investigative reporter entangled in a human trafficking story. Hope is a fighter who’s not about to give up on her marriage or the innocent victims affected by the human trafficking ring. Their love is tested by Michael’s recovery and the danger of her story.  It’s really a story about heroesā€”those who fall, rise, and somehow find the courage to persevere.
It sounds amazing. Being married to an ex-soldier, I love stories like these. Where did you come up with the idea to write your book?
A few different things inspired this story. I’d seen news stories about soldiers with PTSD, their struggles with adapting back to civilian life, their nightmares, etcetera. I also attended a documentary about human trafficking across the world, became involved in the Colorado awareness chapter, and feel passionate about the issue on a global scale. From these two things, the idea of Colonel Michael Cedars and Hope Shane was born. I made them a married couple trying to hold it all together because, yes, I’ve been there, too.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
It’s an extremely emotional story. There were times when I’d finish writing and feel like a zombie. It took a lot out of me, truly.
Are your books available as eBooks? Were you involved in that process at all? Do you read eBooks or is it paper all the way?
All of my novels are available in both paperback and ebooks. I read both. I have a kindle, which is convenient when I travel or when I’m sitting at a kids’ sports practice, but I still love the paperbacks. There’s something about the feel of a good book in your hands that ebooks simply can’t replicate.
My favourite books are paperbacks thought I spend more time reading ebooks. But I just love picking up a book that I’ve read sooo many times and holding it. It’s easily as good as comfort food. So back to your story, what does your protagonist think about you? Would they want to hang out with you, their author and creator?
I think Hope and I would cause a lot of trouble together.  She’d like me because I’m also a feisty female who doesn’t give up easily.  I can see us having drinks together, laughing too loudly, and being not only good friends, but the kind of friends you can be authentic with.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Aside from bringing awareness to PTSD and human trafficking, I want people to take away that love and hope can truly conquer any adversity in life.
A wonderful message! So to round things up would you share a deep dark secret about you with us?

I’m a performing belly dancerā€”I absolutely love to dance.  Not many people know I do it outside of my dance troupe, but it really connects me with my body, my fellow women in the group, and makes me feel invincible.  Seriously, not many people in my daily life know I get all dressed up in veils and bling and danceā€”the perk of being near a big city, I guess.
Sounds fantastic! What a great secret to have! Thank you so much for joining me today, Amber. Now you all must read on for a great excerpt!

Amber Lea Easton is a multi-published cross genre author of romantic suspense, action adventure, mystery thrillers and new adult (coming in summer 2013). Her current releases cross all boundaries and appeal to a wide audience. If you love a clever plot, action that will leave you breathless, riveting characters and sexy love scenes, her books will appeal to you. “Smart is sexy,” Easton says, which is why she focuses on smart heroines who always have a lot to lose yet find the courage to face their fears to overcome adversity. She’s an avid reader of all genres or “whatever turns her on in the moment”.

Easton grew up in Hartford, South Dakota, where she spent her time daydreaming of big adventures over the horizon under a giant blue South Dakota sky. Now living in Colorado, she’s an avid traveler who incorporates her real life travels into her novels as much as possible (minus the illegal activities her characters become immersed in–she swears). To her, setting is another character in the novel and often serves as an inspiration. Love is her motivation for all things–whether it be writing, traveling, playing with her dogs or hanging with her two teenagers–if it’s not done with love, then what’s the point?

Find Amber online:
ā€œI canā€™t do this on my own,ā€ she said so quietly he wondered if sheā€™d actually spoken.  She sat on the edge of the bed, her face pale and eyes full of unshed tears.  ā€œIā€™m faking it every day.  Please, Michael, I donā€™t know whether I should smack you, scream at you or kiss you to bring you back.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t cry for me.ā€ Seeing her like this threw him off.  He preferred the irreverent spitfire who would go toe-to-toe with him any day.  Heā€™d wanted to spare her pain, but it was obvious he had inflicted more.  

ā€œIt was never hard for us, not even in a war zone.  We met andā€”whamā€”that was that. We made it work.ā€

He leaned back in his chair and stared at her.  She wore a black dress that rose up on her thigh when she crossed her legs.  Black leather boots went to her knees.  Hair cascaded around her shoulders, lush lips frowned and eyes glistened.

ā€œYouā€™re not okay, are you?ā€ he asked. ā€œDespite your badass looks, you havenā€™t healed, have you?  Have you talked to anyone or just stayed in perpetual motion?ā€ā€Ø

ā€œWhat do you think?ā€  Her lips twisted in a self-deprecating grin.

ā€œI think weā€™re too much alike.ā€  He grinned despite the circumstances.  

ā€œI wouldnā€™t presume to feel the same as you do.ā€ She dragged the back of her hand across her cheek without meeting his gaze.  ā€œThings happened that you donā€™t know about…and now isnā€™t the right time…but youā€™re right that I understand you.ā€

He nodded slowly, not taking his gaze from her face.  Anger long gone, heartache remained.  All words sounded inadequate in his brain.  He wondered what had happened that she hadnā€™t written about, wondered if he would ever know.  Sorrow clung to her.  He had not only failed as a husband, but also as a friend.  

They had once been the best of friends.

ā€œWhat do we know about being married?ā€ she asked, her gaze focused on a distant spot on the tiled floor.  ā€œMaybe youā€™re right.  Iā€™m a mess.  Youā€™re a disaster.  Neither one of us is being honest.ā€  She met his gaze.  ā€œWeā€™re just a couple of liars who enjoyed the danger of sneaking around in a war zone.  Weā€™re the good story without a happy ending that weā€™ll think about when weā€™re old and alone.ā€

He winced.  He deserved that. Hell, heā€™d been singing the same song.  It felt like a boulder crushed his chest as he waited for the final blow.  

Heroes come in many forms–soldiers who fall and rise, ordinary people doing extraordinary things, women who battle for their marriage, reporters who fight for truth and justice, and men who put it all on the line for the women they love.

Sometimes heroes fall.

Colonel Michael Cedars is a decorated war hero returning home from Afghanistan. Wounded, unsure if heā€™ll walk again, heā€™s not sure how he fits in civilian life, and he definitely questions if he wants to remain married to the feisty redhead he married a world away.

Hope Shaneā€™s never been one to play it safe. She met the Colonel while working as a war correspondent, fell in love with the man in uniform, watched him get blown up, and isnā€™t willing to give up on him now.

Back in Denver, Colorado, sheā€™s working as an investigative reporter who becomes entangled in a human trafficking story. As the danger of her story intensifies, Michael is tested more than he ever imagined. Will he be able to see beyond what heā€™s lost to embrace what remains? Is he still the man she married or has he become a liability that could get her killed? Is he still the hero she claims him to be? Will her reckless pursuit of justice endanger the life theyā€™ve pieced together?

Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains adult sexual situations and/or adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers.

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