Blog Tour: Daydream’s Daughter, Nightmare’s Friend by Nonnie Jules

by | Aug 31, 2013 | Blog

Hi Samantha!

Thanks so much for hosting the 10th stop of the DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND Blog Tour!  It’s Saturday, which means it’s the weekend, so this makes it an even greater stop for me!  Nothing to do when I leave here but…well, more writing *deep sigh*.  But that’s ok, seriously, because I simply love to write and that’s what I’m going to share just a little wee bit about here today with your readers…loving what you write.

First, introductions must get out of the way.  My name is NONNIE JULES and I am a wife, a mother, a dog lover, an extremely loyal friend and an avid book reader.  I live in Louisiana surrounded by many, many animals.  We live on a farm of sorts so I will allow your imaginations to run wild here, although we’re not milking cows or feeding chickens, so don’t let your mind run that far.  

I fell in love with reading when I was a little girl.  From the wonderful stories that I read, I knew that I one day wanted to write one just like them.  I started by keeping a diary in the 3rd grade and until this very day, I journal.  I moved on to dibbling in short stories, then poetry, then writing for a small paper, until one day I said to myself “Everyone is always telling you that you’re good at this, why not just jump in and write something for publication?” I had no idea what I would write about and then that light bulb popped on in my head.  I was going to write about a topic that I was a pro on….raising daughters!  And that topic was also one that I loved to talk about.  

In May of 2013 I published “THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS,” 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can’t Help But Love!  Writing this book took me a mere 17 days and I know that eyebrows raise when some hear this and I have even been asked “How did you write something so good so quickly?”  Well, I had lived that book.  I had taught those tips to my daughters and others that I had come into contact with thru out my journey of life, so therefore, I didn’t have to research.  Check out the trailer here:  (You may purchase get your autographed copies from

My second book,“DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND”  a novel which is due for release mid-September (yes, the date has been pushed back for those who are aware of its original release date) is still me writing about that which I love…my favorite subject…Daughters.  Here’s the blurb:  “Marisa was a good girl, until someone made her mad.  Living in hell with her mother and step-father was nothing short of a daily struggle for survival.  When Marisa can’t stand the abuse any longer, she snaps and does the unthinkable.  Will she be able to survive leaving one hell being forced into another?  Will the man she married be able to understand and forgive her secrets and her past?  Stay tuned for the bumpy ride of Daydream’s Daughter, Nightmare’s Friend.”  Check out the trailer here:  Now for this one, I had to do major research.  I had to travel on countless occasions to the city of Houston where this book is set out of,  because I wanted to experience and also be knowledgeable of the places that I made mention of in the book.  I loved writing this novel so much that I often left my family to visit that city to make it a really great read.  

When you write, if you’re not writing from your heart, it won’t be good.  You have to love what you write, or you won’t put your all into it, and if your all isn’t in it, how good do you think it will be for the readers?  Don’t just write for writings’ sake, write with passion, write with commitment and write from your deepest place.  That’s what I do.  When I finished penning “THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE…” I KNEW that it was good because I felt it deep down and I would read it over and over and over again.  Some might think that this bit of advice is just for newbies just starting out, but it’s for everyone, those that have yet to write and even for those who have written multiple books.  Always write what you love!

Before I leave I would like to ask that you all please check out my blog WATCH NONNIE WRITE! here at www.nonniewrites.wordpress.comand if you enjoy what you read there, take a minute to FOLLOW me.  

Since today is the 31st of August, I would also like for you to visitNONNIE’S BOOK STORE to register for an awesome book promotion which ends today.  You will find all the details there on the home page.  While you’re there you will find an excerpt from“DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND” and you may also pre-order an advance copy of the book for a phenomenal low price.

I hope that this won’t be the last time we meet, so do FOLLOW me on Twitter @nonniejules and on FaceBook under the same handle.

Thanks once again Samantha for this great opportunity, and to all your readers I wish nothing but peace, love, happiness and many great reads!!!

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Hey there, I´m Samantha

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