Blog Tour Stop: This Could Have Been Our Song! by Danielle-claude Ngohtang Mba

by | Oct 20, 2013 | Blog

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TITLE ~ This Could Have Been Our Song! A Coulda Woulda Shoulda Ballad

SERIES ~ Coulda Woulda Shoulda Song Series – #1

AUTHOR ~ Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba

GENRE ~ Contemporary Romance

RELEASE DATE ~ January 18, 2013

PUBLISHER ~ Ever After Edition

COVER ARTIST ~ Danielle- Claude Ngontang Mba


Love can be such a “coulda, woulda, shoulda” song sometimes…
Lucia Mpobo- Riddell could have been a dancer like the rest of women of her family but instead she chose music. Marcus Grant could have been a doctor like the rest of his family but instead he chose music. She also could have not fallen for Marcus on her birthday but she did. And Marcus, he could have told Lucia the truth about his real reason for being in Toronto that night, but he didn’t. Now they have to deal with big reveals and consequences: Marcus almost stealing her job and being force to work on an album together. Marcus, because he couldn’t swallow his pride, leaves Toronto and goes home to London. Lucia, because she just couldn’t give up on her first amazing opportunity to produce a whole album. And to complicate the situation further, the band they’re working for is not the easiest one. Mary Gillis, Marcus’ on and off flame, still has a hold on him. Greg McMullen, Lucia’s close friend and former dance partner is back in town and has been in love with her for years. Then there’s Marcus and Lucia, in the middle of their own a professional and personal tug-of- war with each over and the rest of the world. But maybe things could still work out… All things considered, this could have been one heck of a love song!

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“Do you want to get out of here?” I asked, straight in the eyes. I still can’t believe she said yes. After all that had happened between us in past the six months and all that had happened yesterday at the wedding, she still said yes. She generously gave herself to me without any reserve and I selfishly took what she was offering. And I want more, more of her, more of us.</ p>
I look at her sleeping next to me on her stomach in my bed. She’s facing me but I can’t see her face; her hair is covering it. I move it away to kiss her nose, her cheekbone, her neck. I move the sheet down so I can slowly kiss her naked back, each vertebra at a time. Her smell is just so intoxicating, vanilla and cocoa butter at the same time, strangely matching her light-brown complexion. The then exotic, charming, beautiful and very inviting Lucia has now become the beautifully, passionate, exotically intoxicating, charmingly stubborn, temptress Lucia.
I hear a small groan as I’m running my hands across her smooth back. She’s finally waking up. Good; I thought I might have to shake her this time.</ p>
“Hi, Marcus.” She’s just smiling, her eyes closed, her voice hoarse.
I keep kissing her lower back, almost reaching her butt when I’m stopped by a pair of knickers. “Now, how did those get here?” I ask her, laughing and trying to remove them.
She turns around, now fully awake, giving me an impressive view of her breasts, partially hidden under her long, straightened hair. My mouth goes dry. I bend down to kiss her stomach then lick her navel. She looks down, takes my head and brings it to her eye level.
“Marcus…” she whispers, staring at me, her eyes so full of love, our mouths so close to one another.
“Luce…” I respond. That’s the only thing I can say every time I hear my name in that sexy, pleading tone. Temptress Lucia kisses me, softly at first, teasing me with her tongue, then she just goes for it. It’s deep, it’s wet, it’s messy, it’s just earthshattering. I kiss her chin, her neck goes back to her mouth, take her breasts in my hands. I can hardly breathe or think but I just can’t stop myself. But I do while pushing her hair away from her breasts so I can enjoy them fully.
“Would you be a dear and take those off?” I ask her, pointing to her knickers.
“No rest for the wicked I see. Where do you find this energy?” she answers, smiling at me.
“I’m not sure,” I tease, still waiting for those damn knickers to be removed.
“I can barely move.” She pushes me away. “Are you trying to break a record?”
“It’s the last time I promise,” I tell her while kissing her neck. I don’t think I’m going to be able to keep this promise but she doesn’t have to know. “Now, please, the knickers.”</ p>
“Baby, I’m so tired. I need a good shower,” she yawns and stretches her body against mine.
“A shower would be nice,” I gloat. Forget it, I’ll remove them myself.
She takes my hand and kisses it before pushing it away. “Alone! I’m starving. How about I cook us some breakfast as well?” she adds, sitting up and retrieving a nightgown.
“Where did you get this?” I ask her.
“In my bag.” She points it out. “I went downstairs to pick up my things, which included my infamous knickers.”</ p>
“I see. It is mid-Sunday morning after all.” I look down at those damn panties. “So, are you going to do something about this?” I say.
“Patrick was here and left for Manchester about ninety minutes ago. He said, he’d call… Do you think he’s going to call me, Marcus? Men always say that but most never do,” she tells me.
“You’re too much, Luce! And he’d better not call you or–” I say, taking her in my arms.
“Or what, Marcus?” she asks softly.
I caress her soft, sweet cheeks while she’s kissing my hands along the way. How can such simple gestures feel so intimate and so natural between us? It keeps amazing me.
“Or what, Marcus?” she asks again.
“Oh…I will deal with him,” I tell her. I reach out for her face, her lovely face. “Come here,” I say before kissing her again. “Luce?”
“What now?” she asks against my lips.
“I have to be in Paris next Wednesday…in ten days. I can’t promise you anything but I would really like–”
“I’ll stay with you.” She kisses the tip of my nose. She doesn’t add anything else but her eyes are doing all the talking, the yearning and the longing.
I can’t promise you anything, Luce, I keep repeating to myself, but I don’t want you to go away. “Thank you for staying.”
She removes her panties slowly, without breaking eye contact. She reaches for me, her arms and legs embracing me, placing me on top of her.</ p>
“Last time, right? Then you’ll let me rest,” she asks me. Her hands are caressing my back and the back of my head; her feet are caressing my butt.
“I really, really doubt it, love,” I groan, completely entering her without breaking eye contact and taking all her sweet, wonderful warmth inside of me.</ p>
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Teaser - Greg</ p>

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Movie Poster</ p>

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Teaser - Love Triangle</ p>

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2 $10 gift cards
5 Copies (in December) of the sequel, This Would Have Been Our Song! Catchy Tunes and dancers tales
One signed copy of This Could Have Been Our Song! A coulda woulda shoulda ballad

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Bloggers/reviewers for this tour have a have a chance to win a $10 gift card. (on top of the regular giveaway)
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Meet The Author2

DC Ngontang Mba Author picture
The Author, The Blogger, The Cheeky Reviewer
“My life journey is like my playlist, amazingly unique but full of contradictions with surprising joys with every song…”
I was born in Quebec City, Canada from Gabonese parents but grew up in Paris and Libreville the Gabonese capital until the age of 18. Are you yawning yet? I am…
I moved back to Canada in 1999 after high school in Libreville to study Cinematography and Digital movie production in Laval University in Quebec then The International Academy of Design and Technology in Toronto. After graduating in 2003, I decided to sell my soul to the corporate world and worked in the Benefit Outsourcing Industry for seven in Toronto before reconnecting with her first passion writing.
“A teacher told me in high school that people didn’t read anymore so I decided that I would make movies instead…so that didn’t stick…”</ strong>
I finally went back to school to study creative writing at Georges Brown College in 2010 and 2011. I started to write The Coulda Woulda Shoulda Song Series as an assignment and finished Book One in late 2011 before moving to London.
And the rest as they say is history… Almost two years later, I’m in London and wrote three novels: This Could Have Been Our Song! A coulda woulda shoulda ballad… (Book one) currently available on amazon and soon in iTunes, Kobo, Barnes and Nobles and Smashwords. The sequel This Would Have Been Our Song! Catchy tune and dancers tales will be release in January 2014. Bird Of Prey, my first mystery novel will be release in October 7th, 2013 on paperback before its wide release in November 25th, 2013. It will be followed by The Plot Thickens (a novella) in January 2014 and Polliannah Got Married! in April 2014 or earlier.

Teaser - Marcus

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